Just me and my mind

May 30, 2018

I want to uproot every relationship i had with this world. I don’t hate anybody. I just feelin that people is dissapointing. Everybody were busy with theirself, their business, their life. Even the most caring people in the world, they had to take care theirself also. I don’t ask for care or what from others, big no. Once you hang/ lean to people, wait until the day they gonna dissapoint you.

Never – ever hang on anything except God. All of this life is such a sorrow. Maybe all of you have different perspective about positive lyfe and lovely quotes about relationship and beauty of lyfe, but sorry tonight i have my own perspective from other side.

Sometimes i thought, life is such suffering phase. You gonna separated from everything, cause nothing immortal on this life. You love your parents, one day they’ll gone. You love your buddy, one day they’ll busy with their own life. You love a man, one day there was a time he makes you dissapointing. You love your life, one day it will change. You love your phone, one day it’ll broke or lost. Every relation you have in this world will dissapoint you, maybe it can brings happiness on you, but in the end all of them will leave you. So i don’t want to trust this life. But, how i detach from everything while i'm living here and i need everything as human being?

There was a time when i’m on a state where i detached to everything. No one will understand, craziness on my mind. I hide the real me under a shadow deep deep down on myself, and i only showing up my real self with my weird thought if i found / i feel people who match my frequency. So maybe thats reason why sometimes i want to be a monk that livin in a high land far away from crowd.

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