Maybe its time to us.

April 14, 2020

Kadang ku berpikir, kenapa si corona ini bisa mewabah ke seluruh bumi dan mengacaukan banyak hal. Mungkin memang bukan mengacaukan, tapi memang garisnya. Mungkin bumi perlu istirahat dari polusi2 asap kendaraan, manusia perlu rehat dan evaluasi ulang hidupnya. Katanya lapisan ozon juga mulai membaik. Pasti Tuhan punya rencana, cuma belum ngerti aja.

"Maybe its time to us, to contemplate, re evaluate life.
What we've done all this time
Livin those same routine
From day to day,
Years to years
And forgot 
what is the purpose of our existence in this planet
Maybe its time to rest,
and heal ourself."

14 April 2020,

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